Thursday, July 31, 2014

"Lord I'm Running To Your Arms"

It has been a long four months since I have posted any blogs. It is not because I ended anything, not because I forgot about it, or because of any other reason other than I needed time to find myself. Four months hasn't been enough time to completely find myself, but the one thing I have found again is Jesus! Jesus is my Lord and Savior and he is never going to leave my side whether I think it or not.

When I first returned home for the summer I refused to have any relationship with church and even God himself. That is when my youth pastor came to my house (I live about 45 minutes from my church) and drug me to church on a youth night. He did this for three weeks until I finally drove myself again. Even when he did take me to youth I just sat there and did nothing. At that point in time God wasn't there for me. He was nonexistent in my eyes, quickly I was proven wrong (like always). Time after time I just had so many people praying over me and for me that I was overwhelmed. It was the beginning of church and the song was being sung around the church and all I could focus on was the part of the song "Lord I'm running to your arms." And then it hit me… I fell to my knees and just started weeping.

Jesus was back into my mind and I knew he was there for me. I finally realized that He has been here the whole time and I have been the one running away from him, not the other way around!

God is just so powerful and he had been breaking me down each and every day since that night. I know that I am not living my life for myself, but I am living my life for him. Which makes me feel great  coming to this realization, however; I have had 4 friends telling me this for a while now. And I am going to apologize to them once I see them again at college. There has just been so much going on it is hard to believe that this has been here my whole life and I am just now seeing it. I wish that satan hadn't blinded me before, but now I am able to see the light of Jesus shining through.

God is just so powerful and amazing. He is everlasting and we should never take him for granted. I am a walking testimony to that.

I strongly encourage you all to read the book of Colossians, even if you already have read all four chapters again. It just reminds you that God is fighting for you even if you do to believe it or are having people tell you otherwise. With faith comes hope, have faith in the Lord and your hope is sure to follow.

Galatians 2:20-21 
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing."

Call out to Jesus even when you feel like Jesus is not there, he is on his way. Do NOT think he is never coming! Jesus has a plan for our sickness and it does NOT end in death, it ends in goodness by him. Jesus is here today and it is what he brings, not who he is because Jesus is HOPE!

He will always come back, because JESUS IS!!!

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