Friday, March 21, 2014

The end maybe near

Traveling from Lookout Mountain, Georgia to High Point, North Carolina to Raleigh, North Carolina to Fayetteville, North Carolina and now to Rocky Mount, North Carolina on a charter bus with my softball team is quite the journey. I forgot to mention some background knowledge to this little disaster. Over half of the team does not like each other, we have not been playing well lately, and flat out only a couple of us get along to the point to play well together. So this trip has not been fun what so ever. On top of all of that, I have been going through one of my biggest episodes yet. I just want to quit everything. I am losing it to the end of all things. I am currently failing 3 of my 4 classes, I cannot even play because of my knee surgery, I do not have any people I connect with anywhere on campus or around me, and I just want to give up on life. Things have just gotten so hard lately and there is no telling how much harder they are about to become. I just need someone to be there to hold me when I cry and tell me that everything is going to be alright, someone to tell me to get out of bed on the days I don't want to, and someone to give me a hug and tell me that they love me when I'm feeling down. I just don't have that… And that is the biggest downfall to my struggle… There is just so much going on in my family life, school life, personal life, and athletic life and I do not know what else I can take at this point. I think this is the point where I have to throw in the towel and say I QUIT!

I don't mean to upset those of you who read this, (no body does anyways) but this is my life and this is who I am. One day you may come across somebody in this situation and you can try and help them. Maybe you can even help yourself. But today I just don't see anymore help or hope for me...

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