Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring Break 2014

This years spring break went a little different for me. Normally I am able to be with my family for at least a couple days out of the week. However, I was stuck on campus due to softball all week long. I was the only one on my hall for an entire week! It was so wonderful, but it was time for my friends and hall mates to come back to campus. I had surgery on my knee the week before spring break so I was on crutches for the first couple days of break (which was not much of a break for me). So the softball team had games on Tuesday at Maryville which we came out victorious in both games, the we had games on Thursday at Swanee which we split that game series. I got to hit in those games but it was only once because I can't run so my coach had to put someone in to run for me once I got to first base. Then on Saturday we had a double header against LaGrange… It was brutal for us because we had been going non stop for two weeks. We barely lost both games, it was tough on some of us. But after the games had gotten over our coach gave us Sunday and Monday (today) off so we could rest. She could see how tired we were. So now on my day off I choose to write this blog of course. Just to share the good times I have had. Things are looking up for me. I haven't had a super bad day since Tuesday which is very nice. But I think the best part about my spring break was getting to see my best friend AK when we played in North Carolina! I have missed her so much over this semester so far. We Skype every week but it is nothing like getting to see her in person and receiving a big ole' hug from her to brighten my mood. Now that everyone is back on campus its back to the same routine for the rest of the semester. We only have a little ways to go then I get to watch four of my favorite people graduate (AK, Ruth, JB, and Ki)! This semester is sure flying by quickly. I just wish it would slow down a little so I could enjoy it more. I hope everyone else had a good spring break, because I know I sure did! It may seem boring and busy to others but for me, it was just what I needed! But it sure is good to be back with all of my friends at Covenant College. LET'S GO SCOTS!! Summer is just a blink away.

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