Monday, January 20, 2014

Clinging to Christ

I know this is a completely different post than yesterday, but I really feel the need to write this.

So I have been in a pretty dark place in the past 8 days and I just can't seem to get out of it. As I was texting a great friend of mine, she told me that I "need to cling to Christ." As I have been told this by many people it never has been stuck in my head more than it has been tonight. No matter how hard I am trying to make it leave my mind, it won't.

Maybe she is right… I do need to cling to Christ.

Tonight I am going to cling to Christ, and I am going to try everyday for the rest of my life. Yes, this sounds a little ambitious but it is something that must be done. After all I do have a tattoo on my foot that says "with faith comes hope," so I know I need faith. Now it is just time to put my own thoughts and what advice she told me to good use.

I am taking a vow that every day after I wake up I am going to have a 15 minute devotional time just to be with God and let him guide my day. Then I am also going to have a part in my day that I go through at least one verse in scripture and tell myself what it means to me. I do not pray a lot, so I am also going to start praying at least twice a day. And lastly before I go to bed every night, I will make sure to thank God for all he has done for me that day.

Now I encourage you all to cling to Christ as well. I challenge you readers to try and read scripture or pray at least once a day. See how it changes your life.

My friend was right when she told me I need to start clinging to Christ. I do not define myself, what has happened to me has not defined myself. But Christ defines myself!

I am taking this challenge to make a better me, and to get out of this funk. I hope you all will take this challenge too! After all what could it hurt?

Just want to say a special thank you to my friend Megan…. Of course most of you have no idea who I am or who she is. But without her this post wouldn't be here. Or in fact I wouldn't have the strength to say most of these things. She is a wonderful friend and I am praying for her just as much as she is praying for me!

Please just CLING TO CHRIST!!!

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