Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Why do bad things happen?

Heavenly Father,
I pray to you that you give the troubled some hope tonight at there are some problems happening in the world around me. I know you are with us tonight and I thank you for everything you have provided me. Please give her family peace tonight as they grieve over there loved ones death. Also please give me the strength to go on the path you have given me. It is not easy right now, but I know you are guiding the way for us.
In your sweet name,

I wanted to open this blog in a prayer because there is so much going on in my life at the moment and I just wanted to remind myself and all of you that God is walking by your side and he is going to make everything alright even in the darkest of times. 

First I wanted to mention how sad it is that back in my home town a 17 year old died in a car crash. This young lady was someone who was quite close to me in high school. No matter the cause she will always be missed. I do not know why bad things happen to people so young, but she was called home to be with Jesus now. She is looking down at all of us and is just smiling because she is okay now. I love and miss you sweet girl! R.I.P Syndeya Adams… You will never be forgotten!

Secondly I have not had the best week. To start off the week I was in a very bad depression episode. I then got out of it later on Monday night. However on Monday at softball practice I felt a pop in my knee and was not able to put pressure on my leg. Today I went to the doctors and they told me I broke my knee. I need to get an MRI to see how bad the damage is. But they are saying I am possibly going to need surgery in order to fix all the damage it has caused in my knee. As if my week wasn't already off to a rocky start.

But I do know this… God has a plan for me. I do not know what they are but he is with me taking every step I take. I also know that it is okay to cry sometimes. Crying helps you out a lot! It helps you relieve all the built up emotions that have been really deep down in your heart.

God bless you all. And don't forget to say I love you to people you really care about, because you never know when it is going to be the last time you see them!

"For I know the planes I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
- Jeremiah 29:11-

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