Wednesday, January 15, 2014

One Year Ago

January 16, 2013 a year ago today I lost someone who meant the world to me… Someone who was always there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on, when I was having a bad day. She knew everything that happened to me even though I was afraid to admit it. I love her and miss her so much. This happens to be my grandmother. Nana I know you would be so proud of how much I have conquered in this past semester at college. But you never leave my mind. Its hard having to deal with a lost in the family, but when this was one of the only people in my family who actually cared about me, it hurts a little bit more. The day she passed in the hospital was a day that I felt a piece of my heart and a piece of my life leave Earth. There is no doubt in my mind that my grandmother is sitting next to Jesus up in heaven watching every move I make giving me her love from up there. It is still hard, no matter how long she is gone. And she is gone forever away from Earth.
Nana, you may have left Earth, but you haven't left my heart or my mind and you never will.

Forever a major struggle in my life. But people are here to help. So LET THEM!! that is my advice to people out in the world. Let others help you. It will only benefit you in the long run. And trust me when I say everyone needs help! I struggle with so many things daily and it wasn't until August of 2013 that I got help myself. People care about you, whether it is you blood family or if they are your family among Christ. We are all out there in the world. And if you don't know where to go, I am here!

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